
Posts Tagged ‘guidelines to ptrotect yourself from swine flu’

H1N1, Swine flu : WHO Guidelines to protect against infection

August 15th, 2009 No comments


  1. Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever and cough.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly.handwashing Use alcohol-based hand rub if you don’t have immediate access to soap and water.
  3. Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food and keeping physically active.
  4. Cover mouth and nose with a proper mask while caring for an ill person or when in crowded places
  5. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
  6. Cover your mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing.

How can I protect myself from influenza A(H1N1) when I am travelling?

  • People who are ill should delay travel plans.
  • Returning travelers who become ill should contact their health care provider.

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